World Suicide Prevention Day
Today is a day for me to reflect on the loss of the incredible young men and women around me who have taken their own lives. I am experiencing now what they never will. I have the opportunity to grow up, attend university, find my way in the world and maybe even make a small difference. Nearly one million people commit suicide annually, which means that someone takes their own life approximately every 40 seconds. Every 40 seconds someone, somewhere feels that they cannot handle it any more, that the world would be 'better off' without them.. that person will be someone's child and someone's friend and they will be loved. However in that situation they ultimately cannot see that. I am not a psychologist but I can say that small things make a difference to these people in their situation, a hug at a moment of intense desperation can truly make a difference. However as a friend or family member you shouldn't feel responsible or guilty for their actions. But also try to not judge others who suffer from a mental illness, it usually isn't by choice.

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